Praying for Other People
Do you have trouble coming up with just the right words to pray for other people?
I have great news for you today! God provides us with beautiful grace filled words for others. It goes beyond a prayer, it is actually a blessing to proclaim and confess over others. I said, "A BLESSING." Yes, we have the ability and obligation to BLESS others. What a honor and joy?
Today you will use your God given power and strength to bless other people by your words. God gave these words to the priests (Araon and his sons) in the Old Testament. Now with our righteousness in Christ, we are also called a priesthood and have the same authority of the priests. 1 Peter 2:9 says, "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light."
You have probably heard these words in church, but today you are going to be actively using your them with your authority in Jesus Christ! It's past time to use your authority and power delivered to us from God in salvation!
Numbers 6: 24-26 AMP
The Lord bless you, and keep you [protect you, sustain you, and guard you];
The Lord make His face shine upon you [with favor], And be gracious to you [surrounding you with lovingkindness];
The Lord lift up His countenance (face) upon you [with divine approval], And give you peace [a tranquil heart and life].
I love this Amplified Bible version! I know that it may be a little lengthy for busy women, so we will break it up into a prayer and meditation per day for the next three days. I try to make it easy for you beautiful busy women!
{ This blessing in words is from God to us. It is not a blessing or prayer from Moses and Aaron. This is not a petition to God. It is an out and out blessing in words from God Almighty to his children. You dear are one of his children and you are also made righteous through Jesus. God’s Word, the Bible, does not say “May the LORD bless you and keep you.” The word “may” is not included in this verse. God says, “The LORD bless you and keep you.” He is saying “I, God, bless you and keep you.” And he does not say that he will bless you and keep you. He says that he does bless you and keep you now!
} from God's Favor Series
Dear Father God,
I praise you for your Word! You give me all that I need from your Holy Word. With the authority granted to me in Jesus Christ, I declare, proclaim and make known to this earth and Satan:
(Insert name in each blank.)
The Lord bless _____, and keep _____ protect _____, sustain _____, and guard ____.
Thank you Father that these words are active and powerful for others through my Savior Jesus.
In Jesus name,
I like to say the person's name in this blessing. I feel it gives even greater meaning to the person speaking it. Personally it blesses and gives me joy when I do this. God directed me to proclaim this blessing over each of my Facebook followers. The joy and fulfillment I felt when doing this was amazing. It was not what I expected. Why am I getting this gladness and satisfaction when focused on blessing others? I will tell you why. God is a great God!
Simply repeat this 1 sentence blessing over others and recognize the effectiveness of the power of God. That's it. The words of God are dynamic with effective action!
Tomorrow we will bless others and meditate with the following verse.
Rejoice in the words of God today!
* Words from God's Favor Series, Week 2 - coming soon in eBook and audio format for only $6