Precious Thoughts from mother and God

My Thoughts of you.
from mother and God
To my child – from mother
My child, I think of you often. I dream for you big dreams of fulfillment and joy. My thoughts of you are tender, wishing to hug you all day. When you are not near me, I imagine the activity of your day and visualize your face with smiles. Love consumes my mind when it turns to you. You are adored by both my mind and my heart.
My thoughts of you carry devotion and love.
To my child – from God
You were watched over and cared for by me in the womb. The same mindfulness continued after your first breath on earth. Day and night my thoughts of you are vast, more than you can comprehend. You could not count them, for they outnumber the sand. My beloved thoughts of you are infinite and of great value. They are clothed in peace and love. You are cherished by Me.
I think of you endlessly.
(Sources: Psalm 139: 17-18 various versions,
John Gill’s Exposition of the Bible and a mother – me)
Published 2/2/2021
Writer: Truly Kernea
Author: GOD