Meditation is Easy ~ Week 3
Do you know that the words "confess" and "praise" are closely related?
In the Hebrew language the verb confess translates "to acknowledge God in thankfulness and worship" as well as "profession and declaration." When we confess God's promises and God's Word, we are indeed increasing our faith, but we are also praising God.
One day while writing this series, I felt God telling me to include praise in my meditation of our verse Jeremiah 29:11. So I said, "I will praise you God because you God know the plans you have for me." As I thought about it, I began to wonder just what is praise on a verse or praise a verse. I can say "Dear God, I praise you" but does that mean very much to me? What am I really speaking? Yes to praise God is worship, thankfulness and acknowledgment. When we sing it sounds like praise for sure. But to say "I praise you God" does not always give meaning to me. God directed me to look at the Hebrew and Greek translations, which is an awesome source of insight. I use an expository dictionary of Bible words. It gives translations of words found in some specific verses. It allows you to go deeper in the Word and get a fuller meaning of the verse. I love it! You may want to consider getting one. This is where I learned that "praise" and "confess" in translation are actually related. To confess, profess, and declare is to praise. I praise God when I confess his Word and his promises. When I declare aloud scripture (God's words), I am praising Him. I profess his Word, which is praise. When I say aloud (confess) the Word of God, I am literally boasting about my God.
I am so proud to have him as my Father. I am so happy to be his child. I am bragging about Him. I am saying to the world, this earth, my Father told me, "He knows the plans He has for me." Can you believe it? He told me that! You are praising Him with your adoration of his words and his love for you. When you speak his words you show Him - I love these words from you so much that I want to speak them out loud. I speak your words because I believe them. I trust you God. See how you have begun to praise God by confessing his Word. Meditate and meditate on his Word to learn it, enjoy it and hear from Him. But confess it and declare it to praise Him. Confessing his Word out loud does increase your faith, helps you learn it and many other things.
But it also allows us to praise Him. Praise a verse! Just take that simple statement in Jeremiah 29:11, "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord and confess it. Say it aloud because you want the earth to know that you have a great Heavenly Father. Boast about your Father God and his words. Not only will you be meditating on his Word, but now you are praising his Word. Is this not so very exciting? I absolutely love it. God is making praise and meditation so easy for us. It is not foreign or too spiritual for anyone. It is simple. So start today. Meditate a Verse and Praise a Verse!
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.
Start now. Say it out loud.
Now say,
"God really knows the plans that He has for me!"
You just praised God by showing Him how very much you love Him and his Word because you want to declare it out loud.
God Bless you with his presence in the midst of your busy day as you praise Him!
Love you all,