Meditation is Easy ~ Week 5

God's Plans of Hope for You
Jeremiah 29:11,12 NIV "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
God's plans are to give you hope and a future! God's plan is to provide you with hope (confident expectation of his goodness aimed at you). Your Father God is giving you this hope right now as you mediate on his words. Your meditation and focus on Jeremiah 29:11 is God's tool to give you confidence in him (hope).
As you have meditated on Jeremiah 29:11, have you seen an increase in your hope and confidence that God does have a plan for you? I have seen a great boost in my hope and confidence in God and his plans! Continue to ponder and consider his words as often as you can in your day. Use the various mind activities God has provided us in the last four studies. Go back and reread the previous ones to remind you of easy ways to meditate. If you let your mind focus on God's word even in your busy day, I promise you there will be an abundance of hope coming your way!
This week when you meditate, substitute the word hope with confident expectation of my goodness aimed at you.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you confident expectation of my goodness aimed at you."
Our verse also says God has plans to give us a future. What does that mean exactly? Don't we all have a future?
After you realize that God has plans to prosper you in all you do and give you hope, it's time to see your future differently. With God prospering you and giving you confidence in him, you can now see the word future in a new light. There is no dread of what is to come. God's course of action for tomorrow and the next day is prosperity and great expectation for good things. What a beautiful new description of the word future.
MEDIATION FOR THIS WEEK: (It is a fun one!)
Variation of Jeremiah 29:11 -
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD,
"plans to prosper you and not to harm you,
plans to give you confident expectation of my goodness aimed at you
and plans to give you a bright future."
Write it down and take it with you! You lovely women of God let your days be filled with the Word of God even when your schedule is full. Mediation is EASY! You can do this! You got it!