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"I will." says God

Conversations with God

Week 4

Truly: "I declare in the name of Jesus."

On a lovely morning walk this week, I found myself in a serious prayer that turned into pure fearless declarations of what God says He will do for us.

I had learned of someone going through disturbing circumstances that appeared to those around her as her own doing, self-inflicted problems. I admit that I agreed with this train of thought prior to this time with God on my walk. This woman was to a point of emotional pain, I suppose, that she was considering ending her life. She vocalized this to family members, and may have attempted to start the process. Many thought this was selfish of her because she has several children. It did appear that she was not thoughtful of her children when looking at it in the flesh. But God took me another direction once the prayers started. I praise our Almighty for dismissing my flesh just long enough to see the spiritual view.

God: "She is mine. Mine!

God: "She is my girl, and she is hurting"

With that said by God, I immediately went from asking to declaring the Word of God over her. It came out (to my surprise) very bold and lacking any doubt that these words are true.

Truly: "She is covered in God's goodness. no, she is soaking in God's goodness, dripping in God's goodness. She is saved by Jesus..... in the name of Jesus"

My declarations over this child of God became more gallant and daring. As the words flowed, I became more courageous for her. I became her support and strength that she was obviously lacking. Since this is a very open series, I will let you know my prayers absolutely included prayers in the Spirit. It is a language that I use and adore. (available to all.)

My walk continued with praising God and lifting my hands to the heavens at him. It was an an honor and a thrill to be valiant in the name of Jesus on behalf of a child of God in dire need of this.

Today as I reflected on these words that I declared over her previously, I heard my Maker say, "I will."

He will cover her in his goodness, soak her in it to the point of dripping. God's goodness can't escape her.

Now that needs an amen.

When you pray or declare the Word of God's promises in the name of Jesus.

Remember "I will."

Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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