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Accept Power from the Holy Spirit

Your Helper, the Holy Spirit - Week 5

Welcoming the Holy Spirit into our presence brings us many things including the POWER OF GOD!

This series has introduced us to the Holy Spirit on a more personal level, even calling him our Personal Assistant and Helper. Now that we have entered a closer personal relationship with our Helper in these lessons, it is time to apprehend and receive the power that God has for us through him.

OK ladies, we are getting to the nitty-gritty of what we need in our everyday lives. That is the POWER of God promised to us. God's power gives us the ability to do or act. Surely that got your attention! I am elated by this news that God will share this with us.

Calling on the presence of the Holy Spirit last week was so good for our hearts. It brought us peace and comfort. Love plainly came into my atmosphere. When I got into the habit of inviting my Helper into my daily space, it gave me a sense of reverence and admiration for him. It was soothing to me knowing my amazing Helper was with me in my surroundings wherever I went. I hope you received the same. Now we will focus on recognizing and tapping into the power of God given to us through our devoted Helper.

This week God is showing us yet another aspect of the Holy Spirit that may just astonish you when meditation is applied through the week. The subject of the power of God is not a new lesson out there, but we are going to a deep level with it now. If you can follow this reading with consistent easy meditation daily, you will begin to accept this power that is at your disposal.

Did you catch that?

We will actually become active with God’s power!

I am so ready for this!

To start, I want you to know a very important truth of God. Grace is the only way to the power of God. Jesus is responsible for this power and the Holy Spirit in you. So without exception nothing you do, no matter how amazing and spectacular, can compare to the power of our Creator given to us only through grace.

In Acts 1:8 AMP, Jesus said

But you will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you; and you will be My witnesses [to tell people about Me] both in Jerusalem and in all Judea, and Samaria, and even to the ends of the earth.

Jesus spoke these words to the apostles just before he ascended to heaven. This applies to all Christians. These words are for you right now. You reader and friend “will receive power and ability” from the Holy Spirit. When you found salvation and accepted it, you were given the Holy Spirit as a gift from God. It is really that simple.

Let me tell you a few things about this power you have access to from your Helper. This power has many things. The power of God (your grace gift) has courage, boldness, confidence, ability and authority to name a few. This is where we are going ladies! We are headed to courage! We are going to find boldness! Our confidence will soar! Godly ability will accelerate! The authority we hold as believers will advance!

Listen up; I am not just trying to excite you. I sincerely believe that this will happen. God is the author here, not me. He is ready to awaken our spirits to know our abilities given to us. God wants us to use his power! And we will!

This week our journey is letting the message in our hearts. You used your heart to accept Jesus and salvation. It was your heart that was moved to make the decision. So it is with the heart we will receive power. It is hard to argue with your heart. Your mind rarely wins that battle.

I want you and that sweet, lovely heart to meditate this week. It is so easy! It requires so little. I think the only thing needed to meditate daily is a reminder. Now that is simple! I challenge you to write down the very short meditation sentence on several index cards or paper. These are your reminders. Put them in your space and atmosphere at home, work and in your car!

Now for the EASIEST homework on the planet: Ponder, think about and say these few words of truth from God daily this week:

Acts 1:8 AMP

You will receive power and ability when the Holy Spirit comes upon you.

Since the Holy Spirit is already upon you, feel free to meditate like this:

I receive power and Godly ability from the Holy Spirit.

Your heart wants more and more of God’s Word and truth. Give it to her please! Later she will convince your mind. To me that is what meditation is all about. I think that is why God directs me to teach and encourage meditation. It is just a means to putting his Word in you that can only make your trust grow.

Enjoy receiving this gift of God's power this week! The Holy Spirit is thrilled for you to accept it.

Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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