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You are empowered.

You are empowered.

Enabled to do it.

Given strength.

This empowerment has nothing to do with you. None.

It is the Spirit of God that refreshes you and empowers you. You have power, and it is not any ordinary power. It is from the Creator of the universe! The Holy Spirit gives you power, the ability to do. You are given skills, talent, capabilities, energy, and strength from the highest source ever.

You are empowered. Believe it. Recognize it. Enjoy it.

Maybe your power from God is simply the energy to make up the bed, cook dinner, take children to school, go to work, read a book, watch over a toddler…

And then there will be times that you are given the courage to follow through on a passion, act out kindness to a stranger, comfort the sorrowful, love the unlovable, forgive the offense…

No, don’t leave yet!

It is time for me to give you a real-life example of empowerment from God. Ladies, I am going to just get very real with you. I can’t hold back any longer. Recently I had some very “un” days. I was “un.” You see I was unmotivated, unambitious, uncreative, uninspired and some other "uns."

I had a clue why this was happening. Recently I started an intense (at least for me) job search. I will always write and share, however I need an income as well. Unfortunately writing has not become a career with pay. I had a seasonal four-month job that I really liked. Now that it has ended, I am looking for another position and trying to network on LinkedIn. It is time consuming and not so much fun as Instagram.

In addition to the job search, I have been dealing with off and on health issues. It is nothing super serious, however it can cause me much discomfort at times. For a couple of days, I had been dealing with this health issue and “un” days. I created a fantastic things to-do-list for both days. I barely checked off anything. I have been lying on the sofa to feel better and networking on LinkedIn. I started to feel a tiny bit better and managed to put a load of clothes in the wash. Then as much as I had no desire to do so, I gave myself a much-needed pedicure. Girls, I was not motivated to wash clothes or work on my toenails. I really preferred to lay back down on the sofa.

So how did these acts occur?

God reminded me that I was empowered. The Holy Spirit empowered me to wash clothes. I was empowered to give myself a pedicure. I knew it was certainly no determination or energy on my part. This, my dear friends, is empowerment in the smallest of acts.

Have you ever accomplished a small task with no stamina or care to do it? Maybe get out of bed, clean house, go to work, cook dinner, haul the kids around, work on a project, exercise… This ability to accomplish even a small task when you are totally disinterested is empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

When I realized this, I did not doubt it at all. It gave me a new understanding of empowerment from God, and that it happens daily. We just don’t give it credit. We think that our energy returned briefly, or we pushed ourselves due to the necessity of the task. No, no and no. It’s time for me (and hopefully you dear friend will join me) to give credit where credit is due. God empowers us. God deserves acknowledgement and gratitude for empowering us for any task, great or small.

It is clearly explained in this Bible verse. So, let's meditate on this enormously powerful verse this week.

Philippians 2:13 AMP

For it is [not your strength, but it is] God who is effectively at work in you, both to will and to work [that is, strengthening, energizing, and creating in you the longing and the ability to fulfill your purpose] for His good pleasure.


  • God is effectively at work in you.

  • God is at work in you to will and work for His good pleasure.

  • God is strengthening you.

  • God is energizing you.

  • God is creating a longing for you to fulfill His purpose (for His good pleasure.)

  • God is giving you the ability to fulfill His purpose (for His good pleasure.)


Published 4/20/2022

Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)

Author: GOD


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