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Expect Peace

Why should we expect peace?


How do we await peace?

We experience anxiety in this world unfortunately. It is a common occurrence for many of us. There is a solution for anxiety, distress, and worry. It is in God’s Word. God tells us exactly how to handle it.

We should expect peace because it is a promise to us from God! If you believe your Creator is God and Jesus is your Savior, then you must trust the Word of God. So, let’s look at God’s exact words on the subject of peace, His peace.

You may be familiar with these verses, but let’s go deeper into the application of them.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7 NKJV

These are exact instructions from God on how to obtain peace.

Be anxious for nothing.


1. In everything by prayer (to speak to God) and supplication (to plead humbly)

2. With thanksgiving

3. Let your requests be known to God

The promise.

Receive peace:

And the peace of God,

which surpasses all understanding,

will guard your hearts and minds

through Christ Jesus.

This peace of God that you receive completely surpasses our human understanding. I have experienced it when this weak human was feeling hopeless, sad, or angry. When the peace of God came over me, there was no earthly explanation for it. This peace did not arrive with my great desire to receive it. It was not my determination or ability that caused peace in me.

Oh no! My emotions would never allow such a thing. They were too busy stirring up a heartbreak. And my mind insisted on repeating how sad it all was.

When the peace of God guards your heart and mind, you are astonished and shocked at first. Then boom, you realize it is the peace of God that surpasses understanding. That is the only explanation. Praise God for allowing us to see evidence of a spiritual encounter inside us.

Know, without a doubt, that Philippians 4:6-7 is God’s promise to you. It is God’s truth. And because of Jesus, you can receive a spiritual encounter of God’s peace guarding your heart and soul.

To help you accomplish the instructions God supplied in these verses, this is what you are going to do starting TODAY:

1. Write down with your own hand these two verses on several index cards or pieces of paper. (No printing from a computer or phone.) It needs to be your written revelation in your handwriting.

2. Throughout the day meditate (consider and ponder) a few words at a time. Or one word at a time. This is not memorizing verses. It is directly putting them in your heart.

3. Next follow the instructions completely in the verses often.

4. Remember most importantly that these words are a PROMISE to you from your Creator.

5. When you are overcome with the peace of God, praise Him for the evidence of Jesus in you!

You will continue to meditate and practice Philippians 4:6 until you know this verse deep in your heart and mind.


Because one day God will use you and this promise to share with someone else that needs it desperately. You will be the messenger of God, declaring His promise to another soul. So, keep putting these verses, the Word of God, inside you until they are immovable and steadfast. Another human awaits you to share God’s promise of peace which surpasses understanding. It could be your children, spouse, family member, friend, co-worker, or stranger in extreme need to hear the promise of peace from God and His instructions.

You will be God’s messenger! Awesome!

I love you all!

Published 7/25/2022

Writer: Truly Peters (Kernea)

Author: God


Thoughts of You from mother & God Devotionals
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