Our Father
Lifting You Up
Weekly Devotionals
Week 22
Our Father which art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Matthew 6:9 KJV
The Lord’s prayer is given to us by Jesus. Jesus explained to his disciples how to pray. He starts by telling them to pray privately, unlike the hypocrites who pray in public to be seen by others.
Jesus tells his 12 closest friends to go into their room with the door closed and pray to the Father in secret. He instructs them to pray understanding that their Father knows what they need before asking him.
He then gives them the exact words to say to God. These words are for us as well. The Lord’s prayer is special, meaningful conceived in heaven. So let’s take it slowly.
Matthew 6:9 KJV
Our Father which art in heaven.
God in heaven is our Father.
My father.
Your Father.
He is more than God Almighty.
He is our father, full of love for us.
That is who we speak to in our words.
Hallowed be thy name.
Set apart
be thy name.
His name is above all names.
We can easily focus and meditate on this one sentence throughout our week. We can choose to do this for one week until God sends our next message for the Lord’s prayer.
Together we will take these 10 words from Jesus and contemplate, thinking of them often while listening for God.
I am your partner and friend while we seek God through the words of Jesus. It is an honor and a joy to share messages from God with you.
Published 9/11/2024
Writer: Truly Peters
Author: GOD